black and white bed linen

Giphantia Collection

“A view of what has passed, …” [intro of giphantia, 1761]

About the Giphantia Collection

This is a photo archive for orphaned photographs. These are photos that people have discarded and have been rescued from the trash. Photos that have been cherished for many years by people who are no longer among us or who decide not to keep them anymore. Sometimes, there are nameless faces; sometimes, these can be identified through the accompanying letters, documents, postcards, memorial cards, etc.

It is an archive kept alive by digitizing and (when permitted) sharing the photos on this website. Images at risk of disappearing are digitally restored.

An archive of forgotten memories

Giphantia Collection

An archive of saved photos and stories to cherrish.

Giphantia Collection

An archive of lost photos and forgotten stories to explore.

Photo Restoration

Digitalizing and restoration of photos to tell their story to future generations.


Archiving of (anonymous) family photos and documents.

By showing photos and telling stories we remember people and events.

An Archive that is kept alive
gray computer monitor


Do you have a question? Would you like to make a (photo)donation? A photo that needs to be digitally restored?